Importing a General Journal using Data Import/Export Framework in AX 2012 R3
Here is a tutorial on how to configure Dynamics AX 2012 to import a general journal from a CSV file. The steps below are using Contoso demo data.
- Create a new folder on the root of the C: Drive and name it “DIEF”:
- Navigate to Data import export framework | Setup | Data import export framework parameters. Click “Browse” next to “Shared working directory” and select the “DIEF” folder we created. Once selected, click “Validate”.
- Close the “Data import export framework parameters” form.
- Go to Data import export framework | Setup | Source data formats. Enter “GLJOURNAL” for the “Source name” and “Type” = “File. In the parameters on the right side, enter “File format” = “Delimited”, “First row header” = TRUE, “Row delimiter” = “{CR}{LF}”, “Column delimiter” = “Comma {,}”, “Text Qualifier” = “*”, and “Role separator” = “;”. Click “Application”, and then select “CostCenter”, “Department”, and “ExpensePurpose”. Enter “CostCenter-Department-ExpensePurpose” for the “Dimension format” value.
- Go to Data import export framework | Setup | Target entities. Click “New” and enter “Entity type” = “Entity”, “Entity” = “Custom”, “Entity name” = “GLJOURNAL”, “Staging table” = “DMFLedgerJournalEntity”, “Entity class” = “DMFLedgerBalanceEntityClass”, and “Target entity” = “DMFLedgerJournalTransEntity”. Close the “Target entites” form.
- Go to Data import export framework | Common | Processing group. Type “GLJOURNAL” for the “Group name”, Ctrl+S to save, and click “Entities”.
- On the “Select entities for processing group” form, enter “GLJOURNAL” for both the “Entity name” and the “Source data format”. Click “Generate source file”.
- On the “Wizard” form, click “Next”. For the “Display data” fields, select the following and put them in the following sequence: JournalName, JournalNum, LineNum, CurrencyCode, TransDate, Voucher, AccountType, LedgerDimension, AmountCurDebit, AmountCurCredit, OffsetAccountType, OffsetLedgerDimension. Click “Generate sample file”.
- A .txt file should open, and save it to the root of the C: drive.
- Click “Finish” on the “Wizard” form. Close the “Select entities for processing group” form. Close the “Processing group” form.
- Go to General ledger | Setup | General ledger parameters. Click “Number sequences”. Right-click “Gene_10” next to “Journal batch number” and click “View details”.
- Click “Edit”, copy the format. To copy click the “General” fast tab and note the “Next” value, in my case format is “INMF-00441”.
- Close the “Number sequences” form and the “General ledger parameters” form.
- Navigate to General ledger | Setup | Journals | Journal names. Select “GenJn” and right-click the “Acco_18” next to “Voucher series”, and then click “View details”.
- On the “Number sequences” form, click “Edit”. copy the number sequence format as copied earlier. In my case format is, “VN00000038”.
- Close all forms.
- Open Excel. Click File | Open. Navigate to the C: drive and select the “GLJOURNAL.txt” file (You may need to change the drop menu to “All Files (*.*)”)
- On the “Text Import Wizard” form, click “Delimited” and click “Next”. Check the box for “Comma” and click “Finish”.
- In line 2, enter the following values for each header:
- JournalName = GenJn
- JournalNum = INMF-00441(Value from step 12)
- LineNum = 1
- CurrencyCode = USD
- TransDate = 01/01/2015
- Voucher = VN00000038 (Value from step 16)
- AccountType = Ledger
- LedgerDimension = 110180-OU_1-OU_3566-Training "Or" 110110-022-001
- AmountCurDebit = 10
- OffsetAccountType = Ledger
- OffsetLedgerDimension = 110101-OU_1-OU_3566-Training "Or" 110120-022-001
- Click File | Save As. Click “CSV (Comma delimited)” for the “Save as type” drop-menu.
- Close Excel.
- Go to Data import export framework | Common | Processing group. Select the line for “GLJOURNAL” and click “Entities”.
- Click the folder icon next to “Sample file path”, and select the .csv file from step 20. Click “Generate source mapping”. Close the infolog.
- Close the “Select entities for processing group” form.
- On the “Processing group” form, select the line for “GLJOURNAL” and click “Get staging data”.
- A form for “Create a job ID for the staging data job” should open and populate with a “Job ID”. Click “OK”.
- On the “Staging data execution” form, click “Preview”. Verify the columns are correct, and then click “Run”.
- Close the infolog.
- On the “Processing group” form, click “Copy data to target”. Select the “Job ID” created earlier, and click “OK”. On the “Target data execution” form, click “Run”, then click “OK”.
- Close the Infolog.
- Go to General ledger | Journals | General journal. Locate the imported journal, and click “Lines”.
- Notice the values imported properly, and click Post | Post. The journal posts successfully.
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